What to Do if You Don't Complete Your Goal?

Have you ever made a great New Year’s Resolution?  And actually kept it?  Keeping them, that is the tricky thing about making resolutions.  I tend to keep mine through January…sometimes longer.  Mostly, those resolutions are dreams and unattainable because there is no plan at all as to how to make my dreams my reality.

Not this year…no, this year was different.    

Yes, I did make a new goal for my new year!

Yes, I did break it down into a small monthly goal.

I did everything right.  I made S.M.A.R.T goals.  And I started in December, so my resolution for the New Year already had a running start.  

Everything was going fantastic.  I had just accomplished my December goal and I was on cloud nine.  I set my January goal, and even gave myself the weekends off so that it was more achievable.  

I know that the person who shows up for a goal on day one can start to lose energy and momentum as the days turn into weeks, and the weeks turn into months.  Knowing this, I made sure to see where my energy level was, and commit to a goal that was easily attainable.  I made a truthful assessment and went from there.

And then I slipped.  

It wasn’t from lack of trying or wanting to meet my goal.  Instead it was from getting sick.  I mean really sick, where I wasn’t even out of bed for longer than a quick shower.  Standing and sitting up were not really part of the plan.  So I made a choice…let my body rest and be OK with it.  

I knew that if I had pushed myself, I would have felt worse, so I gave myself grace.  I knew that I could recommit to my goal when I felt better.  This gave me the freedom to focus on my health and allowed a new balance to fill my week.  One of rest and recovery.  

Now that I am feeling better, it is time to reassess my goal.  I can choose to recommit to my goal and know that I took a break and changed course in complete integrity for what I needed.  My body and soul needed to rest, so I let my body tell me when it was time to get back to my goal.  

I did not abandon my original goal, instead I am choosing to finish the goal with integrity for January, and set a similar goal for February.  I am proving to myself that I am able to finish what I start, and still be honest with my world.  

I am showing my kids and family that things don’t always go as planned, and we can always pivot and change to find that path that will lead us to our true self.  

Be honest with yourself and true to your values.  The Universe will send blessings to you when you are in alignment with your path.  You do you!!

You’ve got this!!  

Join my Facebook group Women Finding Freedom in Your Feminine Power for more on this journey.  We are a fun community of women supporting each other on our journey to find balance and purpose.


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